5 random thoughts on “High Fidelity” by Nick Hornby

  • British people have the best words
  • The film adaptation is really great, one of the best I think. They cut lots of stuff, but it´s ok. Except for Marie De Salle, she’s the bomb both in the book and in the movie and I needed more of that on screen.
  • I might have the soul of an immature man because I relate more than I care to admit with the main character.
  • It´s really well plotted. The main character goes from insufferable, asshole, dumb and dumbly misogynistic to having his head really pulled out from his ass.
  • On the other hand, it´s also very good at showing the train of thought and where some men come from when they make what feels like dumbass decisions.

5 random thoughts on “Building Stories” by Chris Ware

  • It´s so goddamn pretty and detailed, I love that.
  • I put it off for a very, very, long time because it seemed very confusing the whole structure and lack of instructions of it, but it´s actually really easy to follow.
  • Before I started on it I had read a couple of reviews that mentioned how well he spoke of depression in the book but I didn’t trust graphic novels could convey depression in a really heartfelt way. Turns out I was so wrong. So wrong. It´s amazing at it, which makes it awful because it is so sad and bleak at times.
  • I might have to read more about the author, but he seems to have impeccable eye for tiny details of what people do without notice throughout their days, especially with women.
  • I didn’t necessarily like the main character that much at times, but I see that as good writing. I have some questions, and it would be nice to talk about it with someone.

But it´s much harder to get used to the idea that my little-boy notion of romance, of négligés and candle lit dinners at home and long, smouldering glances, had no basis in reality at all. That´s what women ought to get all steamed up about; that´s why we can´t function properly in a relationship. It´s not the cellulite or the crow´s feet. It´s the…the … the disrespect.

High Fidelity, Nick Hornby

“All I´m saying is that if you believe in a long-term monogamous relationship at all, then you have to allow for things happening to people, and you have to allow for things not happening to people. Otherwise what´s the use?
"No use” I say it mock-meekly, but I am cowed -by her intelligence  and her ferocity, and the way she´s always right. Or at least, she´s always right enough to shut me up.

High Fidelity, Nick Hornby